
Our mission is to make eating disorder treatment accessible to everyone, which is why we have carefully crafted a range of treatment packages to suit various budgets. Please see all of our services and fees below;

  • Online Nutrition Courses – Empowering Knowledge for Recovery: COMING SOON
  • Master Class Webinars – In-Depth Insights and Practical Guidance: COMING SOON
  • Free Clinic Fridays – Quick Answers and Guidance!

COMING SOON: Our Free Clinic Fridays offer drop-in sessions every Friday on google meet to address your questions and provide a general direction when you feel stuck or need support.

  • Quick Q&A Sessions: Get answers to your pressing questions about nutrition, eating disorders, and recovery.
  • Guidance and Pointers: Find direction and support when you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure of your next steps.
  • Empathetic Listening: Receive compassionate support from our team who understands and is here to listen.
  • Free of Charge: These clinics provide accessible guidance without any financial burden.

Stay tuned for the official launch of Free Clinic Fridays! Details and scheduling will be announced soon.

If you have any questions about our services or need any further assistance, then please do get in touch.